The 'IC' Product Suite - Custom Search Engines and Real-Time Reputation Monitoring Platforms - IC developers have architected, designed and developed custom enterprise web applications to suit unique buisness and client needs since 2001.

iSeeNOW - A Unique Approach to Real-Time Digital Reputation Monitoring
What do you do when you have a global client unhappy with 3rd party social monitoring tools like Radian6, Sysomos, Crimson Hexagon, Brandwatch, Netbase, Talkwalker, and others?
You build one for them.
Although in the BETA stage of development, iSeeNOW already exceeds the capabilities of most, current, 3rd party "Social Media Monitoring" tools by:
A) Including digital channels to monitor far beyond just Twitter that no one else currently includes
B) Including Sentiment rating that can be relied upon
C) Providing custom alerts to mobile, as well as desktop, and email
D) Providing a new approach to dashboard desktop & mobile displays that gives our clients the true ability to say, " Wow, I See NOW."

icSEARCH - A Custom Universal or Intranet Search & Social Engine
Whether you are a global entity with 100 websites that you'd like to make searchable by the public from one location with social and sharing integration, OR, you wish to achieve the same internally for your enterprise intranet, icSEARCH is the highly customizable search engine and TLD SEO solution.
Ask to see if you qualify for a demo while we're in stealth...